Make It Rain Contest


Welcome to the new contest for our printing company, ABR Print.

ABR Print needs some love in the search engines and we would like to reward you for helping us feel the love with Google.

How it works:

Here is a short video showing the steps outlined below:

1) Go to

2) Search for one of the following:

  • Screen Printing Bloomington IN
  • Screen Printer Bloomington IN
  • Screen Printing Blooming Indiana
  • Screen Printer Bloomington Indiana

3) In the MAP search results, find ABR Print. You may need to click find more results.

4) Click on “write review”. You may need to log in to your google account or create one if you do not have one already.

5) Submit your review.

That is it! We will randomly select one winner per month who will receive:

  • (1) 3’x5′ Printed Banner for their business
  • 1000 Business Cards for their business